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Questions and Answers

On this site I answer frequently asked questions. If you happen to find no answer to your question then contact me personally.

Background Knowledge?

Depending on your existing knowledge the tour’s difficulty and length can vary.


I am happy to give you hints, ideas and suggestions for how to prepare for the tour during your first planning period.


My daily rate accounts for CHF 700.-, excluding expenses (journey, alpine hut/ hotel, mountain railways). This rate is recommended by the Schweizer Bergführerverband (Swiss Mountain Guide Association). As for more difficult tours the rate may vary.

Number of People Attending?

Depending on a tour’s goal, the maximum number of people attending varies between one and six persons.
In case the maximum number of attendance is exceeded I am happy to bring in another mountain guide of trust.

Lack of Material?

I am happy to provide you with technical material.

Tour Information and Packing List?

As soon as we have decided upon a tour I will send you all the necessary tour information as well as the packing list.

Weather/ Conditions?

I will inform you continually about the weather as well as the local conditions.
In case the tour can not take place we will try to find new dates as far as possible.